Wednesday, 13 November 2019


Report has shown that Quebec needs 80,000 immigrants per year, not 50,000.

Quebec has Exercised its economic right and interest, under the Canada-Quebec Accord.

Quebec needs almost twice as many immigrants as it is currently targeting, in order to sustain a stable economy.

Canada’s second largest province has welcomed around 50,000 immigrants annually, in recent years. ranking second behind Ontario.

Quebec’s newcomer intake ranked sixth among Canada’s provinces and territories, on a per person bases.

The province’s decision to reduce its newcomer intake to a maximum of 41,800 in 2019, last year, in order to create programs that will help in improving and increasing the new comer integration made Quebec to lag even further behind.

A recent Conference Board of Canada study shows, that Quebec is aging faster than the national average, coupled with a a decrease in birth rate.

These characteristic realities could have a negative effect on the quality of life of people in the province of Quebec.

Because, due to that, there will be a decrease in economic growth and the tax revenues needed for funding the social services, the Quebecers enjoy such as, health care, subsidized daycare and education.

The study speculates that Quebec may have a higher death rate than birth rate by 2028. This is not expected to happen at the national level until 2034.

This means that Quebec will have to strategize and work on how to grow its population urgently than most other provinces, territories or regions.

Study has shown that Immigration is the most realistic solution to increase population growth.

Strategies to promote higher birth rates in western countries have not brought much success and Quebec is evidence of this.

Quebec’s birth rate remains as low as the national average, despite it's universal input on the daycare program.

The Conference Board of Canada study has stated that about 100 per cent of Quebec’s population growth will come through immigration by 2023, compared with the 2034 at the national level.

The province announced that it will increase its 2020 immigration target to a maximum of 44,500 newcomers, and could restore immigration to the 50,000 threshold by 2022.

The province has announced that it's working on ensuring that immigration is restored to the 50,000 threshold by 2022 and also to ensure, that the province's immigration target is increased to a maximum of 44,500 newcomers.

The lower levels may cause a little difficulty, in Quebec's ability to attract businesses and investment.

But these levels remain too low in light of the province’s characteristics circumstances.
If it continues on this level of immigration between now and 2040, its economy would only grow by about 1.4 per cent annually in real terms compared with the perceived Canadian average of 1.9 per cent.

Quebec’s lower immigration targets will now slow population growth and that could have negative economic consequences.

For instance, businesses could choose to invest in other provinces with stronger and higher population growth since those regions or territories will have more available workers to produce and consume goods and services.

Why invest in a province or region with a low population and slow economic growth when others, such as the neighbouring Ontario will enjoy higher rates of growth due to immigration..

Why Quebec Needs 80,000 Newcomers Annually

If Canada continues to increase its immigration level, and if Quebec exercised its prerogative under the Accord, the province would be on track to welcome over 80,000 newcomers annually moving

This number may sound high, but on a per person bases, most provinces are already welcoming Immigrants at this rate today.

Quebec’s economic growth would strengthen to an average of 1.7 per cent over the next two decades, if it welcomed its proportionate share of newcomers, as it is eligible to do under the Canada-Quebec Accord.

This federal-provincial agreement enables Quebec to admit a percentage share of immigrants in proportion to its demographic weight in Canada.

Given Quebec’s population size today, this means it can welcome at least 23 per cent of Canada’s immigrants each year, or around
75,000 newcomers.

Economic integration is improving Although Quebec’s decision to reduce levels was based on the rationale of improving the social and economic integration of newcomers,

Statistics Canada data shows that economic integration in the province has been improving in recent years.

Immigrant participation and employment rates, as well as their wages, have gone up, while their unemployment rates have gone

Quebec’s demographic challenges should help to further these positive developments. The scarcity of labour in the province will likely benefit both Canadian-born and
immigrant workers.

Moreover, numerous reforms made by Quebec over the years such as the introduction of its online Arrima expression of interest system will likely result in continued positive economic integration outcomes.

Given its rapidly aging population and low birth rate, Quebec would serve the best interests of its citizens by exercising its right under the Canada-Quebec Accord to welcome immigrants into their provinces.

Every province pursues policies that it genuinely believes is in the best interests of promoting higher living standards and ensuring quality life for its citizens. 


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