Thursday, 16 January 2020

Provincial Nomination Through The Paper Based Process or Application

The Paper Based Process of the Provincial Nomination.

There are 2 process through which you can apply for provincial nomination and they are,

  • The Express Entry process
  • The paper based process

    To apply for the provincial nominee program [PNP] through the paper based process you have to follow 2 stages.
  • You must choose where you want to live from one of the provinces in Canada, and 
  • Apply to them for a nomination.
Your application will be reviewed by the provinces based on their needs and if your really interested in living their.

To apply for a Paper Based Provincial Nominee program your application for permanent resident can be submitted after you have been nominated, by the province or territory.
You will be supplied with an application guide that will guide you through the application process.
This application guide is only for those who want to apply for a provincial nomination through the paper based process.

To apply through this process you must have been nominated by their Canadian Provinces applied for permanent resident.
The application guide contain the instructions information and all the necessary forms you need to fill after a province or territory has nominated you.

The guide will give you a step by step instruction on how to fill the forms correctly.
if you are found to have misrepresented yourself or lied in your application, you will sanctioned.

  • By your application can be refused
  • You can be found to be inadmissible
  • You may be given a 5 year ban,from applying for permanent.

After this the next step is the payment of your application fees, the fees to pay includes.

  • The processing fees for you and your dependents and anyone you include in your application to relocate with.
  • The Right of Permanent Residence, Residence fees [RPRF]
  • Biometrics
  • Third party fees[The third party fees are the Medical tests, Police Certification, Language testing, Educational Credentials Assessment.]

Your fees should be paid online

In order to avoid delays, your Biometric fees should be paid when you submit your application.
The fee cover the cost of collecting digital photos and finger prints, you will be sent a letter of confirmation that you are supposed to give your biometrics and where to take do it,after the payment of your biometrics fee with a complete application.

You must take this letter along with you when going for your biometrics and show it to the people who will handle the biometrics for you.
Endeavour to book an appointment,once this service is offered and the biometrics must be given in person.

The instruction guide contains information that you must know before you submit your application and also guide you to know the payment you are expected to make and how to pay them.
It also explained how you can put together your supporting documents and fill the forms.
The guide is furnished with symbols that will draw your application and guide you in filling your forms correcting, such as

  • Tips that will help and guide you in filling your application.
  • The necessary information needed by the application to avoid problems and delays.
  • The must to do list of things you need to have your application processed.


  • The paper based process is a non -express entry stream,you can apply to any of the provinces or territory in Canada for provincial nomination through a non-express entry stream.
  • You must be qualified and be eligible of the province that nominated you rules and Canada.
  • You are expected to send a paper application to IRCC for permanent resident immediately you are nominated.
  • No matter the province you decide to live in Canada you must pass the medical exam and get a police character report.
  • The paper based application processing time is longer than that of express entry.


  1. Make sure that all your forms and application are signed.
  2. A copy of the nomination certification which was sent to you by the province must be included.
  3. All your supporting document must be added included your processing fees.
  4. Before submitted confirm that your document and application are free of errors or mistakes, because if your submit and your application was found to be incomplete, it will be rejected and sent back to you to complete and correct before re-sending it back.

NOTE-Your application should not be sent to the visa office in your country.
Mall your application and on line payment receipt to the address in the instruction package.


If there is any alteration or change in your personal information or application, contact IRCC immediately to avoid delays in your application.


Everyone between the age of 14-19 yrs must do their biometrics.
You must get your finger print and that of your dependents taken for every permanent resident application taken.

Take your biometrics and that of your dependents immediately you get the "to do" biometrics letter from IRRC.

The biometrics fees must be paid, when submitting your permanent residence application to avoid delays.

The processing time for the paper based process is  15- 19 months

  • Your paper based application will be assessed by checked and also confirmed that it's you. 
  • They will confirm that your processing fees has been paid.
  • That you are eligible and meet all the requirements.
  • That your application is complete and all required document included. 
  • Remember that telling the truth is a must. If you fail to do so or misrepresent yourself in any your document or application, your application will be rejected and you will be banned for 5 years.

After the assessment and everything was found to be exactly the way it should be, without mistakes or misrepresentation, you will be contacted and will be told the next thing to do and application will also be confirmed.

Medicals -

Your medicals must be done before you can set foot in Canada including your family members,even if they are not relocating with you to Canada.

  •  Your application may not be accepted if you pose a danger to Canada community health
  • Your health may cause to take more than the budgeted amount set out for health 
Police Report.

You may not be allowed to immigrate to Canada,if you have a police record, because Canada is doing everything to protect its people, so they do not want to jeopardise their safety or that of the Canadians, by allowing or giving criminal immigrants entry into their country.
So to clear all misgivings, that are a law abiding person, you are required to present a police character report from a country where you have stayed for up to 6 months.

Decision will be made on your application based on.

  • If you meet the criteria set out for the program you are applying for.
  • Whether you have necessary or required proof of funds for you and your family.
  • Your medical and police character reports and others.

         If there are any discrepancies in your application form, you will be contacted or be invited for an interview.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Massive drop in the number of Nigerians visiting United States

There has been a huge drop in the number of Nigerians travelling to the United States.
This was confirmed by the data, from the United States Tourism and Travel office.

This massive drop in the number of Nigerians visiting United States, was caused by the increment of United States visa fees, for Nigerian applicants.

The number of Nigerian travellers started to decrease in the year 2016, after experiencing immense growth from 2011 and 2015, before massively dropping in 2019.

The Nigerians that travelled to the United States were reduced to about 34,000 as of October, 2019. A 21 per cent reduction.

Read Nigeria reduces the visa fees for US citizens seeking for visa to come into the country

The increase in visa fees, also known as the reciprocity fees

The reciprocity fee will be charged in addition to the non-immigrant visa application fee, also known as the MRV fee, which all applicants pay at the time of application, this was stated by the  United States Government.

It was speculated that the huge drop in Nigerian applicants was caused by a lot of implemented policies and visa clamp downs, experienced by Nigerians, in the Trump administration.

The policies also gave rise to anxiety and fear, fuelled rumours among indigenes,
causing the, the United States embassy in
Nigeria, in mid 2019, to deny a widespread
rumour that it had placed a ban on issuing
student visas to Nigerians.

Also read Questions, Answers, Advice and Insight, on U.S visiting visa

For example, 

The reciprocity fees

The new visa fee was increased from $80 to $303, and this was termed a reciprocity fee, because it was increased, in response to the
increased charges/fees imposed on the United States Citizens by the Nigerian Government.

Even after the Nigerian Government withdrew the extra charges and reduced the visa fees imposed on the United States applicants, the United State's Government refused to burg and reciprocate.

This was done and reduced in order to get the United State Government to reverse its price increase.
The increased visa fees has made it difficult for many Nigerians to apply for U.S visa.

Both the visa fees and the non immigrant fees are not refundable and their amounts are based on the visa classification and Nigerians whose applications for a non
immigrant visa was denied will not be
charged the new reciprocity fee.

Suspension of the interview waiver

The Trump administration also suspended its visa interview waiver for Nigerian applicants indefinitely.

The waiver allowed frequent travellers from Nigeria, to renew their visa without going through in-person interviews each time

Also read U.S increases the cost of visa fees for Nigerians

Noticeable visa clamp down

Report has also shown that Nigerians were the highest ranked African country for US visa overstays in 2018.

Because of these new policies, there has been several reports that the Trump administration was looking to put restrictions on issuance of visa to countries whose citizens, have a track record of overstaying after the expiration of their short-term US visas.

Even though official data confirm the effects of the measures, there were already warning signs the administration’s policies were having an adverse impact on potential

The second largest  drop was for visitors
from Venezuela (17.7 per cent).
And the US is restricting entry to Venezuelans and Argentinians, migrants with 15.6 per cent drop and Sweden, 11.1 per cent.

Lots of people are exiting the south American country due to the political and economic crises, they are presently experiencing.

Nigeria reduces the visa fees for US Citizens Seeking for Visas into the country

The Minister of interior, Rauf Aregbesola, has disclosed in a statement, that the Nigerian Government has reduced the
fees for the citizens of the United States seeking for visas into the country.

The statement reads,
The attention of the Ministry of Interior has been drawn to the introduction of reciprocity of visa fees by the United States of America.
The ministry acknowledges that there were engagements with the United States Embassy on the issue and in the aftermath, a committee was set up to conduct due diligence in line with the ministry’s extant policy on reciprocity of visa fees.

The committee had concluded its assignment and submitted a report but the issuance of authorisation for its recommendations was delayed due to transition processes in the ministry at the policy level.

Read Reason why Nigeria was placed on US watch list

Rauf Aregbesola, The Minister of Interior,
has approved the reduction of visa fees,
to be paid by US citizens, seeking for admission into the country, in line with
reciprocity policy as recommended by the

In line with this, Muhammad Babandede, the Comptroller-General of Nigeria Immigration Service, has been directed to implement the reduction in Nigeria’s visa charges to United States citizens with effect from Thursday, August 29, 2019.”

This new fees was implemented 24 hours after US authorities increased the cost of visa application for Nigerians.

The Reason Why United States placed Nigeria on Watch List

Mary Leonard, the newly deployed US diplomat states that her home government placed Nigeria on their Watch List, in order to deepen conversation on the issue.

US Ambassador Reveals The Reason Why Nigeria Was Placed On Their Watch List

The United States Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Leonard, on Tuesday said that America placed Nigeria on its watch list due to the humanitarian situation in the country. The newly deployed US diplomat disclosed that her home government took that step in order to deepen conversation on the issue.

In a statement by Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, Leonard was quoted as saying,
There are people who make things less attractive than they seem.
The report (on Nigeria) will deepen conversation of the situation in the country especially with religious leaders and mediators.
The United States recognises and celebrates the integration in Nigeria and would always side with transparent processes.
I have worked for three decades before coming to Nigeria. We will do a lot together for peace, security and delivering humanitarian assistance.

Read US denies report on student visa ban

The United States Senate voted 53-45 against the president’s plan to sell $8 billion worth of U.S. weapons to Saudi Arabia. 

Adding more fuel to the fire, just short of a dozen Republicans voted with Democrats and killed the deal.

The United States Senate voted against President Donald Trump..

The 7 Republican senators who voted against the President are:

Rand Paul (KY)
Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Todd Young (Ind.)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

As noted by The Hill, the White House Office of Management and Budget issued a veto statement against the resolutions of disapproval ahead of Thursday’s vote.

The change of ownership of these services and capabilities to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan supports the foreign policy  and national security objectives of the United States directly, by improving the security of friendly countries that continue to be important forces for political and economic stability in the Middle East.”

The assistant secretary of State for political-military affairs, R. Clark Cooper, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee said in a statement:

That the White House has hit back at criticism from Congress, arguing that a heightened threat from Iran is its justification in invoking the emergency to provide weapons and resources to Saudi Arabia.

These sales and the associated emergency certification are to be used to address the military need of our partners in the face of an urgent regional threat posed by Iran; promote the vitality of our bilateral relationships by reassuring our partners; and preserve strategic advantage against near-peer competitors.”

Read Questions, Answers, Advice on US visiting visa

Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, the is working on a broader bill to approve the sale to Saudi Arabia, but it will likely limit certain weapons and resources that the U.S. can sell to the kingdom.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was in favor of the deal, and urged his colleagues to reject the effort to block the arms sale, arguing there were other steps lawmakers could take, including visiting the region or meeting with Saudi officials.

Rejecting long-planned arms sales strikes me as an overly blunt tool with several unintended consequences. The dynamics at play are not black and white. We can best shape these dynamics by working closely with our partners to encourage them in the right direction rather than turning our back.

Trump wanted to sell Saudi Arabia the weapons and resources amid rising tensions with Iran.

Iran has been responsible for carrying out an attack on an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman and shot down a U.S. drone, in the past few weeks.

The US Congress refused to work with the President,, Donald Trump, when he tried to combat the threat, Congress refuses to work with him.